Thursday, January 28, 2016

It's just a book....or is it?

What can a book do?
A book isn't just made of words, it's filled with
places to visit and people to meet where you
can travel to far away countries without ever
leaving your chair.
Your library is filled with magic, adventure
 and far away lands.
You can find magic wherever you look.
Sit back and relax, all you need is a book.

Here is a little video about a book.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

A new year in the library - 2016

It's the start of a brand new year in Howes library.  I am hoping that this year will be the beginning of something new for the library.  I have been disappointed during the last year about the number of books which go missing from the library.  I love that everyone enjoys reading the library books.  To make it easier this year to keep track of all our lovely books I hope to get everybody using the online checking in and out system.  It is really easy to do, instructions  will be found above the computer in the library.
I hope to have the system up and running to use after half term in February so watch this space for further details.
In the meantime.....please..... can you return any books you find in school that should be in the library (we used to have 26 Horrid Henry books!) so that we can all make a fresh start and all enjoy the library books together. There are some great reads in there.

Thank you,
Mrs Henshaw