Saturday, September 7, 2013

It's A New School Year!

Welcome back to Howes everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful and exciting summer holiday.  I hope you were able to read lots of books too!

It won't be long until the library goes 'live' and you will be able to search through all the books on your IPads! You will even be able to find useful websites to help with your schoolwork too.
  Watch this space!

Did you know that 13th September is Roald Dahl Day?  Perhaps you could find out why it is always held on this date?  Here is a link to the official Roald Dahl website where you will find lots of interesting information about him and his books as well as some games and puzzles to play. 
 Roald Dahl Day

 You might like to test your knowledge of his stories - do you know as much as you think you do?!

All you do is to look
At a page in this book
Because that’s where we always will be.
No book ever ends
When it’s full of your friends
The Giraffe and the Pelly and me.”

-Roald Dahl
Mrs Henshaw

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Why Walk To School?

Walk To School Week

Did you know that this week, 20th - 24th May, is National Walk To School Week It's part of the National Walking Month scheme which happens each May.

Living Streets, the organisers, will focus on a different aspect of walking each day.
 You can find out more by clicking on the picture below.

Monday     Tuesday   Wednesday   Thursday       Friday
  Safety     Discovery    Health     Eco-friendly  Social time

Why don't you challenge yourselves to walk to Howes this week?
 Even if you can only manage it once you are doing yourself and our environment a lot of good.
You can find out more about the benefits of exercise on your bodies by looking at the
books in Section 612 of the Library.

Mrs Henshaw

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

On this day in April......

Have you ever wondered what happened in April before you were born?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Landscape image
1318 Berwick-upon-Tweed is captured by the Scottish from the English.
Florida Map
Juan Ponce de Leon becomes the first European to set foot on Florida.
St Francis of Assisi image
1043 Edward the Confessor is crowned King of England.

1581 - Sir Francis Drake completed the circumnavigation of the world.
Pocahontas image
1614 Native American Pocahontas marries English colonist John Rolfe.
Richard the Lionheart image
1199 Richard the Lionheart , King of England, dies aged 41.
William Wordsworth image
1770 William Wordsworth, English poet, (d.1850), born.
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
John Foxe image
1587 John Foxe, English writer (b.1516), dies.

Oldest audible sound recording was made in 1860

- a ten second recording of Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville performing the French folk song ‘Au Clair de la Lune’
Dick Turpin image
Dick Turpin executed in England for horse stealing.
King Edward image
King Edward IV of England claims London from Henry VI.
American Civil War image
The American Civil War begins.

The first man in space 1961 -
Yuri Gagarin
John Dryden image
John Dryden becomes first English poet laureate.
RMS Titanic image
1912The British passenger liner RMS Titanic hits an iceberg. Six ice warnings were received by Titanic on the day of the collision.
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Dictionary image
1755Samuel Johnson's A Dictionary of the English Language first published.  Leonardo da Vinci born 1452
Sir Isaac Newton Image
1705 Queen Anne of England knights Isaac Newton at Trinity College.
Geoffrey Chaucer image
1397 Geoffrey Chaucer tells the Canterbury Tales for the first time at the court of Richard II.
Joan of Arc image
1909Joan of Arc is beatified in Rome.

Captain James Cook first saw Australia on this day in 1770. Captain Cook sights Australia
Lord Byron image
1842 Lord Byron dies of fever in Greece. 
BBC 2 launched in 1964

Queen Elizabeth II's Birthday

Our current Queen’s birthday, born 1926. She also has an official birthday in June.
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Bazil image
1500Álvares Cabral, Portuguese naviagator, becomes the first European to sight Brazil.
St George image
St George's Da
William Shakespeare born 1564
 VolcanoImageVolcano Mount Vesuvius erupted in 1872 .1719 Daniel Defoe publishes Robinson Crusoe.
Robinson Crusoe image

William Shakespeare baptised.
William Shakespeare image

Tea image1773 British Parliament passes the Tea Act.

1603 Funeral of Queen Elizabeth I.Funeral image

29 30

Rubber image
Rubber is patented.
Christopher Columbus image
1492 Spain gives Christopher Columbus his commission of exploration.

Maybe you could try and find out some interesting facts about these dates in the library.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

World Book Day Bookmark Competition

How do you feel about entering a national competition with an awesome prize?
 We have some amazing artists here at Howes.
 I have sent your class teachers details of the National Book Token's annual bookmark competition.  There are two categories; the under 8's and the 9-12's.
Click on the picture to follow the link

All you have to do is design the front of a book themed bookmark using the template I have given your teacher. Simple!  Get your teacher to sign (and print their name) and to print your full name in CAPITALS and your age on the back of your entry.   Return them to me (Mrs Henshaw - you'll usually find me in Year 2) before Tuesday 26th March (you have nearly 2 weeks!) and I'll get them sent off for you.
Here are some examples.

 Why not have a go?
You never know!!

Mrs Henshaw

Saturday, March 9, 2013

World Book Day

Everyone had a fantastic day on Thursday dressing as their favourite book character for World Book Day.  Here we are in our school assembly.  Can you spot yourself?


We also shared our favourite books and stories with our families.......

...and then we paired up with our friends from a different year group.

Well done everyone!

  Your teachers are very proud of your reading skills.

Mrs Henshaw